About us
Company "ELKOD" d.o.o. for engineering, design and execution of works was founded in January 2014 in Sremska Mitrovica.
The predominant activity of the company is engineering, as a product of many years of experience in electrical engineering a wide range of jobs in the field of strong and weak current works, on all types buildings; residential, commercial-business and industrial-production facilities character, ie. plants, as well as performing electrical installation work on power facilities, with special emphasis on the construction of power, control and distribution closet.
Reliability, quality of work and organization of the company lead to successful cooperation with numerous business partners. We are aware that only professional knowledge, permanent education and application of modern methods in our business can make our business partners happy.
Some of our projects
Thanks to experience, leadership attitude towards work and proactive approach to the market formed is a team absolutely committed to constantly improving customer satisfaction, increasing the volume of business, the absolute quality of services, and the creation of long-term mutual benefits as perhaps the most important principle of business. A team of more than 40 employees, consisting of highly professional engineering and technical staff, installers, electricians with many years of joint experience in business for investors with high standards and requirements.

Since we are constantly developing our business, educated and reliable people are always welcome to our team. You can send us an email to office@elkod.rs
Company headquarters address
Trg nikole Pašića BB, TC Madesa
lokal br. 17 22000 Sremska Mitrovica
Address of the company representative office
Pirazzistraße 18
63067 Offenbach am Main, Deutschland